Bluegrass covers of a bunch of Radiohead songs, by Hard N Phirm
0:02-0:20 - Everything in its Right Place
0:21-0:43 - Planet Telex
0:43-0:57 - 2+2=5
0:58-1:07 - No Surprises
1:07-1:50 - Optimistic
1:38-1:50 - You and whose army?
1:51-2:07 - Karma Police
2:08-2:24 - Knives Out
2:25-2:50 - Creep
2:51-2:57 - The National Anthem
2:58-3:12 - Morning Bell
3:13-3:29 - How to Disappear Completely
3:30-3:33 - Just
3:34-3:45 - Fake Plastic Trees
3:46-3:58 - (Nice Dream)
3:59-4:40 - Paranoid Android
4:41-4:55 - Subterranean Homesick Alien